What You Need To Know About Social Security Disability Hearings

Don't Face Your Hearing Alone!

Our Social Security Attorneys in Florida are experienced in helping clients navigate the complex world of social security/disability benefits. We’re happy to help you with your social security claim whether it’s your first attempt to obtain benefits or if you’ve already been denied once or more than once and you’d like our assistance in appealing that determination.

Appealing Decisions Made by the Social Security Administration

The Social Security Administration (SSA) holds hearings if decisions they have made are appealed by disability insurance applicants or even people already receiving benefits.

If you receive an adverse determination, you have the right to appeal the decision. The most common types of appeals involve the denial of benefits, the determination that you are being overpaid, or a decision that you are no longer eligible for disability payments.

The first step involves a full review that will result in the initial decision being upheld or overturned, depending on the circumstances. If the initial unfavorable decision is upheld, the next step is to appeal and request a hearing within 60 days of receiving the reconsideration letter and determination. If the hearing is not requested within this 60 day period, the request for a hearing will be denied.

An SSA hearing is conducted before an Administrative Law Judge, or ALJ, who resolves any conflicts or disputes between the SSA and an applicant. The ALJ considers all of the available evidence, including the applicant's testimony and supporting medical documentation, to make a new decision regarding the issue.

An Overview of the Hearing Process

The hearing process begins with a formal request for hearing filed by the applicant. The SSA will notify you of the hearing date at least 20 days in advance so you can participate in the hearing in person or via video teleconference.

It is extremely important to review all evidence that you have already submitted to the SSA prior to the hearing to determine whether you want to provide additional evidence. Most successful appeals involve the introduction of new evidence, which you should send it to the Social Security office as soon as possible after your request is filed.

What to Expect in Your SSD Hearing

Social Security hearings are similar to trials in that evidence will be submitted and testimony heard. One difference, however, is that the SSA will not have an attorney present. We encourage you to have an attorney present to represent your interests.

A Social Security Disability hearing will proceed as follows:

Get Help With Your SSDI Claim

If you plan on submitting a Social Security disability claim, or have been denied, you should seek assistance from a skilled our team as soon as possible. We know what type of evidence is needed by the Social Security Administration to support your claim, as well as how to act when your claim is denied.

Contact an expert Florida SSDI Lawyer at Trial Pro today for a free case evaluation—you can reach us at 800-874-2577.