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Trial Pro P.A. is proud to advocate for accident victims all over the state of Florida, including from our Central Florida office in Orlando. Our dedicated experienced personal injury attorneys handle a range of legal matters, from employment disputes to auto accidents claims. We can use our knowledge and legal skills to help you not only achieve a favorable outcome but relieve the legal burden on your shoulders as well. Our entire team understands how challenging and confusing litigation can be, which is why we are here for you through every step of the process.

The Trial Pro, P.A. attorneys, carry more than a century of collective legal experience and decades of working together as a team. We have represented hundreds if not thousands of people who have been injured due to car accidents, slip-and-fall, worker's compensation cases, and more. One thing that is clear to us is the essence of partnership. Without it, Trial Pro, P.A. could not be as effective in attaining success for our clients.

What is Considered Bodily Injury in a Car Accident?

Frequently Asked Questions - What is Considered Bodily Injury in a Car Accident?

Car accidents can result in a range of injuries, and understanding what constitutes bodily injury is crucial for both victims seeking compensation and those who might be held responsible. In this detailed article, we will provide in-depth insights into what is considered bodily injury in a car accident, the legal implications, and how you can navigate the complexities surrounding these cases.

Defining Bodily Injury in the Context of Car Accidents

Bodily injury in a car accident refers to any physical harm or damage suffered by an individual due to the accident. These injuries range from minor bruises and cuts to more severe and life-altering conditions. It's essential to recognize that bodily injury encompasses the immediate injuries sustained during the accident and includes any subsequent medical conditions that arise as a direct result.

In car accidents, bodily injury takes center stage as a term that encapsulates a collision's physical toll and aftermath. It's a concept that transcends the mere collision of vehicles and delves into its impact on the individuals involved. In the intricate landscape of personal injury law, understanding what is considered bodily injury in a car accident is pivotal.

Unpacking Bodily Injury: The Physical Consequences

Bodily injury, as the name suggests, pertains to the physical harm individuals suffer due to a car accident. This encapsulates a spectrum of injuries, ranging from seemingly minor bruises and cuts to more profound, life-altering conditions that can alter a person's life trajectory. However, it's important to remember that bodily injury isn't restricted to immediate physical harm; it also encompasses the subsequent medical conditions that might emerge as a direct result of the accident.

A Multi-Faceted Evaluation

Several critical factors come into play when evaluating the extent of bodily injury. These factors collectively paint a comprehensive picture of the consequences of the accident:

  • Medical Professional Evaluation: The expertise of medical professionals plays a pivotal role in assessing bodily injury. Their evaluation documents the injuries and establishes a professional opinion on their impact.

  • Grading Severity: The severity of the sustained injuries isn't uniform; it ranges from minor soft tissue injuries to fractures, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and even fatalities. Each of these necessitates a distinct approach regarding medical attention, recovery, and legal considerations.

  • Long-Term Implications: Beyond the immediate aftermath, specific injuries might have long-term implications extending far beyond the accident. Chronic pain, disability, and the need for ongoing medical treatments can significantly alter a person's life trajectory.

  • Day-to-Day Life Disruption: A vital facet of assessing bodily injury involves understanding how these injuries affect an individual's daily life. Whether it impairs their ability to work, carry out routine tasks, or partake in activities they once enjoyed, this disruption holds legal significance.

Types of Bodily Injury You Can Suffer in Car Accidents

Accidents on the road can happen in a blink of an eye. Regardless of how cautious we are, unforeseen situations can throw us off guard, leading to severe repercussions. It's not merely the emotional and psychological toll – car accidents can lead to various physical injuries. Through our extensive experience, we've seen countless cases and have learned that understanding the types of injuries you might suffer is the first step in preparing for a legal battle to get the compensation you deserve.

Understanding the Risk Factors

Road accidents are a harrowing experience. No matter how minor, they can lead to many physical injuries. Every year, millions are hurt, ranging from mild to severe injuries. These injuries are often the result of direct trauma from the collision, but other factors like seatbelt restraints or airbags can also cause them.

Head and Brain Injuries

In the aftermath of a car accident, head, and brain injuries are among the most critical and potentially life-altering traumas one can sustain. The sheer force of an impact, whether the head strikes a hard object or the abrupt jolt that shakes the brain within the skull, can lead to immediate and long-term consequences. With such injuries, immediate medical attention is paramount, as is understanding the complexities and varying degrees of trauma.


A concussion is the most common type of traumatic brain injury and occurs when the brain gets shaken inside the skull. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, such as:

  • Headaches and dizziness are often immediate and can last several days or weeks.

  • Confusion and disorientation: It's not uncommon for someone with a concussion to forget the accident.

  • Nausea and vomiting: Especially if the concussion is severe.

  • Sleep disturbances: Including sleeping more than usual or difficulty falling asleep.

It's crucial to monitor someone who has had a concussion closely. While many symptoms appear right after the accident, some might be delayed. Always consult a physician after any head trauma, no matter how minor it may seem initially.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

More severe than concussions, TBIs can lead to long-term complications or even death. These injuries are usually caused by a violent blow or jolt to the head. Symptoms can include:

  • Cognitive deficits: Problems with memory, attention, and problem-solving.

  • Sensory problems: Difficulty with vision, hearing, or even an altered sense of taste.

  • Emotional issues: Mood swings, depression, and even personality changes can result from a TBI.

  • Physical symptoms can range from persistent headaches, weakness in fingers and toes, and loss of coordination.


Contusions or bruises on the brain are localized injuries that result from a direct impact on the head. Think of them as 'cerebral bruises'. If large enough, they might need to be removed surgically. Symptoms can vary based on the discoloration's location but often include:

  • Difficulty coordinating movements: This can manifest as clumsiness or difficulty walking.

  • Tingling or numbness: Particularly on one side of the body.

  • Issues with memory and attention: Depending on where the contusion is located.

Penetrating Injuries

These are particularly gruesome and are caused by a foreign object entering the brain. In the context of car accidents, this could be shattered glass or a piece of metal from the car's frame. Such injuries usually require immediate surgical intervention and can lead to:

  • Severe bleeding: Both internally and externally.

  • Swelling: As the brain reacts to the trauma and possible foreign objects.

  • Potential for infection: Especially if the object isn't removed promptly.

Head and brain injuries, regardless of their severity, should never be taken lightly. They bear the potential to reshape an individual's life trajectory, impacting not just their physical health but their mental and emotional well-being as well. As legal professionals, we're equipped to help you navigate the aftermath, ensuring you receive the rightful compensation for the injuries sustained and the challenges you might face.

Neck and Back Injuries

The intricate structure of our neck and back, with its complex interplay of bones, muscles, and ligaments, means that injuries in these regions can be debilitating and varied. Especially in car accidents, where forces involved can twist, jerk, and jolt the body in unnatural ways, neck and back injuries are commonplace. It’s a topic we’ve delved into countless times, guiding victims through their recovery and legal battles. So, let’s explore the myriad of injuries one might suffer in these areas.


Arguably the most widely recognized neck injury from car accidents, whiplash occurs when the head is jerked suddenly and violently backward and forward. This abrupt motion strains the neck muscles and ligaments.

  • Symptoms: These can manifest as neck pain, stiffness, headaches starting at the base of the skull, dizziness, and blurred vision.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Physicians may use X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs to examine the extent of the injury. While whiplash typically heals with rest, pain relief, and physical therapy, monitoring and consulting with a healthcare provider is vital.

Herniated Discs

The spine comprises vertebrae, and a disc is filled with a gel-like substance between each. When the outer layer of the disc ruptures and the gel protrudes, it's referred to as a herniated disc. This can press on nerves, causing significant pain.

  • Symptoms: Sharp or numbing pain, muscle weakness, tingling, or pain radiating down the arms or legs.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: MRI or CT scans are used for diagnosis. Treatment varies from physical therapy medication to surgical interventions in severe cases.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Among the gravest injuries one can sustain, damage to the spinal cord can lead to a partial or complete loss of motor function and sensation below the injury site.

  • Symptoms: Loss of movement, inability to feel heat or cold, and loss of bowel or bladder control.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: MRI, CT scans, and X-rays can identify spinal cord injuries. Treatment often involves surgeries, medications, and long-term physical therapy.

Sprains and Strains

Often overlooked but equally distressing, sprains (injuries to ligaments) and strains (injuries to muscles or tendons) are frequent in car accidents due to the sudden force exerted on the body.

  • Symptoms: Pain, swelling, muscle spasms, and limited ability to move the affected joint or muscle.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Physical examination is usually sufficient, though severe cases might warrant an MRI. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation, often abbreviated as RICE, is a common treatment.

Neck and back injuries, while varying in severity, demand immediate attention and care. Delayed or inadequate treatment can exacerbate the condition, leading to chronic pain or long-term disability. Our experience as personal injury attorneys has shown us the profound impact such injuries can have on an individual's quality of life. It's not just about the physical pain; the emotional and financial strains can be monumental. That's why we advocate for a comprehensive understanding of these injuries and pursuing rightful compensation for victims.

Chest Injuries

Most people think of head or neck injuries when we talk about car accidents. However, the force exerted during a collision often takes a toll on the chest, resulting in injuries that range from mild bruising to severe internal traumas. Understanding and recognizing chest injuries becomes imperative, with the chest housing vital organs, including the heart and lungs. Our experience with numerous clients has shed light on the devastating repercussions such traumas can have on one's well-being and overall quality of life.

Bruising and Contusions

Direct blows from a seat belt or steering wheel can lead to bruises and contusions on the chest. While often mild, these should not be dismissed lightly.

  • Symptoms: Visible discoloration, tenderness, pain when breathing or moving.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Physical examination usually suffices. Cold compresses and pain relief medication can be beneficial, but ensuring no underlying injury is present is crucial.

Rib Fractures

Given their role in protecting the organs, the ribs are particularly vulnerable in high-impact collisions.

  • Symptoms: Sharp pain when breathing, coughing, or laughing; tenderness to touch; and swelling in the injured area.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: X-rays help identify fractures. Treatment focuses on pain management and preventing complications like pneumonia.

Internal Injuries

The blunt force of a car accident can cause damage to internal organs, blood vessels, and the heart. Such injuries are life-threatening and necessitate immediate medical intervention.

  • Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, intense chest pain, dizziness, and symptoms of shock, like clammy skin and rapid heartbeat.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: CT scans, ultrasounds, and other imaging tests are vital. Treatment varies based on the affected organ and injury extent, from observation to emergency surgery.

Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung)

A direct blow or a rib fracture can puncture a lung, leading to its collapse.

  • Symptoms: Sharp chest pain, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, and reduced oxygen, leading to cyanosis (bluish skin).

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: X-rays and CT scans can confirm the condition. Treatment often involves inserting a chest tube to remove the air and allow the lung to re-expand.

Recognizing and understanding chest injuries after a car accident is a matter of utmost importance. The initial pain or discomfort might seem negligible, but the potential for underlying and severe complications is high. Prompt medical attention can make all the difference between a quick recovery and long-term health issues. As personal injury attorneys, we're committed to ensuring that victims are physically recuperated and legally protected. The physical, emotional, and financial ramifications of chest injuries can be monumental, and understanding one's rights and possible compensation is a part of the healing journey.

Limbs and Extremities Injuries

Car accidents are violent events that can exert enormous force on the human body. Beyond the commonly discussed head, neck, and chest injuries, the limbs and extremities - our arms, hands, legs, and feet - often bear the brunt of these traumatic events. They're our primary tools of interaction with the world, and any damage to them can severely impact our daily functioning and quality of life. Our extensive work with car accident victims has gathered insights into the varied injuries one might face in these areas.


Bones in the limbs are especially susceptible to fractures due to the sudden impact of a crash.

  • Symptoms: Immediate sharp pain, swelling, visible deformity, and inability to move the injured limb.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: X-rays are the primary mode of diagnosis. Treatment might involve casting, bracing, or surgery, depending on the fracture type.


High-impact crashes can force joints out of their natural position, particularly in the shoulders, elbows, and knees.

  • Symptoms: Intense pain, visible joint deformity, and inability to move the joint.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Physical exams and X-rays determine the extent of dislocation. Treatment usually involves resetting the joint, followed by immobilization and physical therapy.

Sprains and Strains

Overstretching or tearing of ligaments (sprains) and muscles or tendons (strains) commonly occur in car accidents.

  • Symptoms: Pain, swelling, and reduced mobility in the affected area.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Physical examination often suffices, though severe cases might require an MRI. Treatment involves rest, cold compresses, elevation, and sometimes physical therapy.

Amputations and Crush Injuries

In severe accidents, a limb might be amputated upon impact, or injuries might be so grave that surgical amputation becomes necessary. Crush injuries occur when a limb is compressed between heavy objects.

  • Symptoms: For amputations, immediate severe pain and bleeding. Crush injuries can lead to swelling, bruising, and deep pain.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: The situation is often evident in the case of amputations. Crush injuries might require X-rays or MRIs. Immediate medical care is vital, ranging from emergency surgery wound care to long-term rehabilitation.

Lacerations and Abrasions

Sharp debris, shattered glass, or even the force of the crash can lead to deep cuts or surface scrapes.

  • Symptoms: Bleeding, pain, and open wounds.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: A visual assessment is primary. Treatment includes wound cleaning, stitches if required, and tetanus shots to prevent infections.

Injuries to the limbs and extremities can profoundly affect a person's ability to perform everyday tasks, work, or even enjoy hobbies. Their repercussions extend beyond the physical, leading to emotional and psychological distress. The road to recovery might be extended, involving surgeries, physiotherapy, or prosthetics. As personal injury attorneys, we ensure victims navigate this path with the necessary resources and support. Ensuring rightful compensation for the injuries and the subsequent life adjustments is a cause we deeply believe in.

Legal Implications of Bodily Injury in Car Accidents

Understanding what is considered bodily injury in a car accident is crucial in legal proceedings and seeking compensation. Here's how bodily injury impacts the legal aspects:

Personal Injury Claims

When a car accident results in bodily injury, the injured party may have grounds to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. This claim seeks compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages related to the injuries sustained.

Insurance Coverage

Car insurance policies typically include bodily injury liability coverage. This coverage helps pay for the medical expenses and other damages of individuals injured in an accident where the insured party is at fault.

Comparative Negligence

In some cases, multiple parties may share the blame for an accident. States follow comparative negligence laws, where compensation is determined based on each party's degree of fault. Bodily injury claims may be affected by these laws.

Statute of Limitations

Bodily injury claims have a statute of limitations, the legal timeframe within which a claim must be filed. Understanding these limitations is essential to protect your right to seek compensation.

Defining Negligence in a Car Accident: Understanding Legal Responsibility

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident involves unraveling a complex web of factors, and at the core of this process lies the concept of negligence. As seasoned Florida personal injury attorneys, we understand that comprehending negligence is essential for anyone seeking clarity and justice after a car accident. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricate layers of negligence in car accidents, shedding light on its definition, implications, and how it factors into seeking rightful compensation.

Understanding Negligence: A Foundation for Accountability

Negligence isn't just a legal term; it's a fundamental principle that underscores personal responsibility and accountability. In the context of a car accident, negligence refers to the failure to exercise reasonable care that a prudent person would under similar circumstances. In simpler terms, it's about not taking the precautions a responsible person would take to prevent harm or accidents.

Breaking Down Negligence in a Car Accident

Car accidents can result from various factors, including distracted driving, speeding, intoxicated driving, etc. The crux of establishing negligence lies in determining whether a driver's actions or lack of action deviated from what a reasonable person would do to prevent an accident.

For instance, if a driver runs a red light and collides with another vehicle, causing injuries, disregarding traffic signals could be deemed negligent. Similarly, if a driver fails to maintain a safe following distance and causes a rear-end collision, their failure to exercise due care might constitute negligence.

The Four Key Elements of Negligence

To successfully prove negligence in a car accident case, four essential elements must be established:

1. Duty of Care: The at-fault party owed a duty of care to the injured party. This duty is inherent in driving, as all drivers are expected to operate their vehicles responsibly.

2. Breach of Duty: The at-fault party breached their duty of care by acting negligently or recklessly. This breach could involve violating traffic laws, driving under the influence, or engaging in unsafe behaviors.

3. Causation: The breach of duty directly caused the accident and subsequent injuries. It must be demonstrated that the accident would not have occurred had the at-fault party acted responsibly.

4. Damages: The injured party suffered physical, emotional, or financial harm from the accident. Tangible damages, such as medical bills, property damage, and lost wages, are integral to proving negligence.

Comparative Negligence in Florida: Shared Responsibility

Florida adheres to the doctrine of pure comparative negligence, which means that even if you're partially at fault for an accident, you can still seek compensation. The compensation you're entitled to receive is reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to you. This principle emphasizes a fair distribution of accountability in accidents.

Applying Negligence in Seeking Compensation

Negligence is pivotal in seeking compensation for injuries sustained in a car accident. To pursue a successful personal injury claim, it's crucial to establish that the other party's negligence directly caused the accident and your subsequent injuries.

Defining negligence in a car accident is essential for anyone navigating the aftermath of such an incident. It's the cornerstone of accountability, driving the pursuit of justice and rightful compensation for the injuries and damages endured. Our seasoned Florida personal injury attorneys are here to guide you through the intricate world of negligence, ensuring your rights are protected, and you receive the compensation you deserve. Remember, understanding negligence empowers you to take informed steps toward seeking justice and healing.

Navigating the Legal Process for Bodily Injury Claims

Navigating the legal process for bodily injury claims requires expertise and a comprehensive understanding of personal injury law. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this process:

Seek Medical Attention

The first and most critical step is to seek immediate medical attention for injuries sustained. Not only does this ensure your health and safety, but it also creates an essential record of your injuries.

Gather Evidence

Collect as much evidence as possible from the accident scene. This includes photographs of the scene, damages, injuries, and contact information of any witnesses.

Contact Law Enforcement

Report the accident to law enforcement and ensure an official police report is filed. This report can serve as crucial Evidence for your claim.

Consult an Attorney

It's advisable to consult a personal injury attorney specializing in car accident cases. An experienced attorney can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Document Medical Treatment

Keep detailed records of all medical treatments, prescriptions, and rehabilitation sessions related to your injuries. These records will support your claim for damages.

Notify Insurance Companies

Notify your insurance company about the accident and your injuries. Be cautious when discussing the details of the accident, as your statements may impact your claim.

Negotiate a Settlement

Your attorney will work to negotiate a fair settlement with the at-fault party's insurance company. This negotiation may involve assessing medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

File a Lawsuit (If Necessary)

If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, your attorney may recommend filing a lawsuit. The lawsuit will initiate the legal process, which may lead to a trial and judgment.

Common Questions About Bodily Injury in Car Accidents

  1. Q: Can I claim compensation for emotional distress as part of bodily injury?

    A: Yes, emotional distress, pain and suffering, and psychological trauma are often considered when seeking compensation for bodily injuries in a car accident. Seeking compensation for emotional distress is a crucial component of a bodily injury claim, particularly in the context of car accidents. While physical injuries are often more visible, the emotional toll of an accident can be equally debilitating and deserving of acknowledgment and compensation. Emotional distress, also called pain and suffering, encompasses an accident's psychological and emotional aftermath, which can linger long after physical wounds have healed.

  2. Q: What if the bodily injury worsens over time? Can I still seek compensation?

    A: Yes, injuries that worsen over time are known as latent injuries. You can still seek compensation for these injuries if they can be traced back to the car accident.

    The progression of bodily injuries over time is a reality that many individuals face after a car accident. The legal system recognizes this phenomenon through the concept of latent injuries. If you find yourself in a situation where your injuries have worsened beyond the immediate aftermath of the accident, seeking compensation is valid and essential to securing your well-being.

    Remember, documenting the evolution of your injuries and establishing a causal link to the original accident is pivotal to successfully seeking compensation for latent injuries. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of latent injury claims, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive the rightful compensation you deserve. Your health and well-being matter, and we're here to advocate to ensure that justice is served.

  3. Q: Is there a minimum severity level for bodily injury claims?

    A: No, bodily injury claims can be filed for injuries of varying severity, from minor to severe. The compensation amount will depend on the extent of the injuries.

    A minimum severity level doesn't restrict bodily injury claims. The legal system recognizes that injuries can significantly impact your life regardless of their extent. Whether dealing with minor discomfort or more severe injuries, seeking fair compensation is your right.

    Remember, the severity of your injuries doesn't solely determine the validity of your bodily injury claim. It's essential to focus on the impact on your daily life, the trajectory of your recovery, and the emotional distress you might be experiencing. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are dedicated to advocating for your rights, ensuring that you receive fair compensation that reflects the true impact of your injuries. Your well-being matters, and we're here to ensure justice is served.

  4. Q: Can I file a bodily injury claim if I was partially at fault for the accident? 

    A: You can still file a bodily injury claim even if you were partially at fault. However, your compensation may be reduced based on your degree of fault. Remember, in Florida, you have the right to seek compensation for your bodily injuries, even if you were partially at fault for the accident. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are dedicated to guiding you through the intricacies of comparative negligence laws in Florida, ensuring that your rights are upheld and you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. Your well-being matters, and we're here to ensure justice is served.

    When you file a bodily injury claim in Florida, and if it's determined that you share a portion of the responsibility for the accident, your compensation is adjusted accordingly. The compensation amount is reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to you.

    For instance, if you were found to be 20% at fault for the accident and your total damages amount to $50,000, you would still be eligible to receive $40,000 (80% of $50,000) in compensation.

  5. Q: How long must I file a bodily injury claim after a car accident?

    A: The statute of limitations in Florida sets a clear timeframe for filing a bodily injury claim after a car accident. Timely action is pivotal to preserving your legal rights and seeking the compensation you deserve.

    Remember, the statute of limitations is a strict deadline, and missing it can have irreversible consequences. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are dedicated to guiding you through the legal process, ensuring that your claim is filed within the prescribed timeframe. Your well-being matters, and we're here to ensure justice is served by upholding the statutes governing the pursuit of rightful compensation. While the general statute of limitations for bodily injury claims in Florida is four years, there can be exceptions and variations based on the specific circumstances of your case.

    The statute of limitations varies by state but typically ranges from one to four years. It's best to consult an attorney to determine the specific timeframe in your jurisdiction.

Navigating the Complexities with Expertise

In the aftermath of a car accident, understanding what is considered bodily injury and its legal implications is vital. The complexities of these cases require expert guidance to navigate the legal process successfully. As dedicated personal injury attorneys, we are committed to providing you with the expertise, support, and representation you need to ensure fair compensation for your injuries.

Remember, every bodily injury claim is unique, and the compensation you deserve depends on various factors. You can significantly strengthen your case by seeking immediate medical attention, collecting Evidence, consulting an experienced attorney, and documenting your injuries and treatments. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way, advocating for your rights and ensuring that justice is served in your bodily injury claim. By meticulously documenting your injuries, engaging in strategic dialogue, and leveraging the expertise of our legal team, you can confidently pursue justice and restitution. Your path to recovery and rightful compensation begins with expert guidance, and we're here to provide just that.

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Trial Pro P.A. is proud to advocate for accident victims all over the state of Florida. Our dedicated, experienced personal injury attorneys handle various legal matters, from employment disputes to auto accidents claims. We can use our knowledge and legal skills to help you not only achieve a favorable outcome but relieve the legal burden on your shoulders as well. Our entire team understands how challenging and confusing litigation can be, which is why we are here for you through every step of the process.

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  (407) 300-0000

 250 N Orange Ave 14th Floor
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  (813) 522-5444

 1000 N. Ashley Drive, Suite 512
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 9341 Marketplace Rd
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 2551 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Suite 102
Melbourne, FL, 32935

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Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 300-0000

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The information on this website is for general information purposes only. The Information presented at this site should not be construed as formal legal advice nor the formation of an attorney-client relationship. For medical advice and treatment, you should contact a licensed medical professional.