Representing Victims of Yaz, Yasmine, and Ocella Birth Control Injuries

Since its release in 2006, Yaz has become an extremely popular drug for young women. In addition to its highly effective birth control capabilities, Yaz has also been approved by the FDA to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and alleviate acne. Part of what makes Yaz, Yasmin, and Ocella such potent forms of birth control is that they are some of the only drugs to contain drospirenone, a progestin that affects the uterine lining. Unfortunately, this same ingredient has been attributed to the numerous health problems many women have suffered when taking one of these pills.

If you or someone in your family has experienced a health issue after taking yaz, call 800-874-2577 for a free case evaluation with our FloridaYaz attorneys

Yaz Health Complications

Drospiernone can have the unfortunate side effect of disturbing an individual’s heart rhythm and form blood clots. According to the FDA, more than 60 women taking these drugs have died from their health complications, and due to underreporting this number is much lower than the actual statistic.

Yaz, Yasmin, and Ocella have been known to cause:

As of now, the only step the FDA has taken to mitigate these problems is enforce a rule that the drugs must come with new warning labels indicating the dangers of synthetic drospiernone. Nonetheless, because Yaz is so heavily advertised, and the warnings about its side effects are often inadequate, the manufacturers and distributers are often still held liable for injury claims.

Get More Information on Yaz Claims in Florida

Because many people who have been injured by these birth control drugs did not realize it was the cause of their health issue, Yaz has continued to persist in the market without much protest. At Trial Pro, our Florida Yaz attorneys help victims and their families learn their options for legal recourse and force the companies producing these drugs to take responsibility.

Contact Trial Pro today. We have offices in Miami, Naples, Orlando, Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Daytona Beach, and Delray Beach.